Monday 4 May 2015

News and commentary on the NDIS (31)

National Disability Insurance Scheme e-Newsletter
April 2015

National Disability Insurance Scheme e-Newsletter
March 2015

Is the NDIS sustainable?
Sachi Purcal, Link, April 2015
Dr Sachi Purcal, from the Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy, reflects on the insurance-based approach adopted by the National Disability Insurance Agency and why the NDIS alone won’t improve quality of life for people with disability.

The NDIS Dejargonator
Every Australian Counts, 6th March 2015
Every new big policy comes with a whole new set of terms and jargon. Here we have tried to decode some that we’ve heard ...

ACT disability providers spending thousands to prepare for National Disability Insurance Scheme
Claire Colley, Sydney Morning Herald, 30th march 2015
ACT disability providers are spending thousands of dollars to prepare for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but fear service prices have been set too low jeopardising quality.

Under the former block funding model, providers paid back unused government money, meaning they have never had the opportunity to accrue funds for new infrastructure, representatives from several organisations told a public hearing into the roll-out ...

Cautious welcome for early rollout of National Disability Insurance Scheme in Sydney's west
Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald, 5th April 2015
The launch of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Sydney's west can't come soon enough for Yana Betros, whose three young children were born with moderate to severe hearing impairment. For the St Marys mother, it will mean more control over which therapies her children receive ...

Damian Griffis, Every Australian Counts, 6th April 2015
By any measure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities are some of the most disadvantaged Australians, often facing multiple barriers to their meaningful participation within their own communities and the wider community ...

Supporting the needs of children in APY lands
Lines of Inquiry, Edition 8, April 2015
A new report which analyses the needs of indigenous children in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, specifically in relation to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), has been released. The report, which has been welcomed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), is available on the NDIA website.

Think Films, 11th March 2015
The Citizen’s Jury process is similar to a criminal jury where randomly selected jurors are called to listen to evidence and to deliberate on a matter – in this case the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The jurors were given a ‘charge’ consisting of 8 themes upon which they focused and, at the end, provided their final recommendations ...

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