Thursday 21 May 2015

Pain in children with intellectual disability - new UK guidelines

Assessing pain in a child with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities, coupled with communication impairment, can be very difficult and stressful - these new UK guidelines for parents are worth filing in your home health records. They are generously provided free to download:

Pain in children with severe intellectual disability: A Guide for Parents
Cerebra (UK), 2015
This guide will help the parents of children with severe intellectual and/or communication difficulties understand how pain may affect their child. 
It does so by explaining possible causes of pain in children with intellectual disability, presenting information about how pain may be shown by children who cannot tell us they are in pain and discussing the effects of untreated pain.

Founded in 2001, Cerebra is a unique national charity that strives to improve the lives of children with neurological conditions, through research, information and direct, on-going support.

Living with neurological conditions can make life very hard, not just for the child, but for their family too. At Cerebra, with the help of our supporters, we aim to make it easier ... About Cerebra

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