Tuesday 19 May 2015

Statement from Down Syndrome Australia - Baby Gammy Special Appeal Fund

Statement in support of Hands Across the Water
Ruth Webber, CEO. Down Syndrome Australia, 19th May 2015
Down Syndrome Australia shares the concerns expressed today by Hands Across the Water at the Farnell family attempting to access the funds held in the Baby Gammy Special Appeal Fund. 
DSA fully supports the Fund and arrangements put in place by Hands Across the Water for Baby Gammy’s future care. Many members of DSA have supported the Fund – and they did so to contribute to the care of Baby Gammy. 
“Like Hands Across the Water, Down Syndrome Australia was moved by the generosity of those from all around the world that donated to the Fund. Hands Across the Water has done a remarkable job putting in place a long term plan to support Baby Gammy.” 
“We would be really concerned at any move, legal or otherwise, that threatened the resources that were specifically donated to support Baby Gammy into the future. After all that is the sole purpose for which donations to the Appeal Fund were sought.”

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