Friday 22 May 2015

Weekend reading: 23rd - 24th May 2015

People with disability can express their sexuality
Carly Findlay, Daily Life, 22nd May 2015
The world rejoiced this week when 18-year-old Brisbane teenager Madeline Stuart's story of modelling went viral. Madeline (who prefers to be called Maddy) has Down syndrome. Last year she set out to develop a healthier lifestyle through exercise and eating less, and as a result lost 20 kilograms. She told her mother she wanted to be a model and now Maddy's profile has skyrocketed on social media ... However, when Maddy's picture was featured on social media, commenters suggested the teen was being too sexualised ...

Shaun Heasley, Disability Scoop, 13th May 2015
Self-advocates will take a role in training police on interacting with people who have developmental disabilities under a first-of-its-kind law. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan signed the law Tuesday establishing the Ethan Saylor Alliance for Self-Advocates as Educators ...

ISPD: not that serious of a concern after all
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing, 13th May 2015
Over at the Prenatal Information Research Consortium (PIRC) blog I have a post noting the “sea-change” in the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis’ position on noninvasive prenatal screening. Here are a few other notes from the ISPD’s updated statement on NIPS ...

Chris Kaposy, Impact Ethics, 19th May 2015
Chris Kaposy challenges the need for further developments in prenatal testing for Down syndrome ...

... There is an inconsistency between the lived experience of people who have Down syndrome and the corporate arms race to develop new and better means for identifying fetuses with Down syndrome ...

His words, not mine
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 15th May 2015
... "I can't get married until my mother dies, she won't let me have a girlfriend, she gets mad when I talk about it. I love my mother. I don't like the feeling, sometimes, that I'm waiting for her to die so I can be a man" ...

The Spectrum of Down Syndrome

Our Version of Normal, 31st January 2015
Every single day I hear references of someone being on the spectrum. Obviously being on the spectrum refers to being on the autism spectrum, but for a while now I've come to believe it might behoove the Down syndrome world to have a reclassification of Down syndrome into a Down syndrome spectrum ...
Garden of My Heart, 30th October 2014
Truth be told, one of the hardest things about the last year has been watching Rowenna slowly slip away. Where she used to want hugs, seek comfort, imitate signs and sounds, we watched her retreat into her mind and didn’t know how to help her ...

Accessible Arts Newsletter, May 2015

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