Monday 22 June 2015

NSW Budget 2015: funding for disability sector

The New South Wales Treasurer will hand down the State Budget in Parliament on Tuesday, 23 June 2015.  The full set of 2015-16 Budget Papers will be available on this website from 12:00pm on that date. 

Some information about the budget has been released, such as this news report about funding for disability services:

Disability sector set to get $150 million boost in NSW budget as families call for more group homes
Mazoe Ford, ABC News (online), 18th June 2015
The New South Wales Government is promising a $150 million funding boost for people with disabilities in next week's budget. 
The money will pay for 900 new respite places and 310 new supported accommodation places across NSW, to try to cater for the huge demand. 
"It's incredibly important because it'll assist people with disabilities [to] live life their way and provide them those extra needs to be able to choose and have control over their lives," Disability Services Minister John Ajaka said. 
Mr Ajaka said the money was not part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but from the state coffers. 
He said the new supported accommodation places and respite services for people who live in the family home would help NSW prepare for the rollout of the NDIS ...

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