Tuesday 14 July 2015

Is the NDIS working for people with intellectual disability?

NSW Council on Intellectual Disability media release, 13th July 2015:

Is the NDIS is working for people with intellectual disability? 400 people to discuss this week!

Following the launch of the Nepean NDIS site earlier this month - over 400 people will gather in Sydney this week for a national conference - “We are worth the investment – the NDIS and people with intellectual disability”.

The Chairperson of NSW CID Michael Sullivan, who has an intellectual disability, coined the conference name - “I say the ‘I’ in NDIS should stand for ‘investment’. We are worth the investment. To move forward we need people to believe in us, to back us up, and create opportunities.”

Sullivan is one of over 30 speakers at the conference alongside other self advocates with intellectual disability, NDIS participants, NDIA CEO David Bowen, Hon Mitch Fifield Assistant Minister for Social Services, the Hon. Jenny Macklin, Ageing Disability and Home Care CEO Jim Longley and Every Australian Counts Campaigner John Della Bosca.

The conference will raise issues that have particular significance for people with intellectual disability such as safeguards needed to prevent abuse, housing,health care, children, the closure of ADHC and the provision of support for people with complex needs. It will examine the progress of the NDIS, but also discuss policy for the way forward.

“NSW CID has welcomed the introduction of the NDIS, but we must ensure that it works properly for all people with intellectual disability – some people are especially vulnerable, isolated or may have had contact with the justice system – there needs to be specific strategies to ensure they do not fall through the gaps” says Aine Healy Executive Director Advocacy of NSW CID.

The conference will be the biggest conversation on intellectual disability and the NDIS yet! It will be held over 2 days, July 16 and 17, at Waterview in Bicentennial Park and will act as a catalyst for future systemic advocacy that NSW CID, a peak body for people with intellectual disability, undertakes.

More conference details here.

Media: Aine Healy P: 0418 450 717 E: aine@nswcid.org.au T: #cidconf15

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