Thursday 23 July 2015

Resources, publications

New See and Learn app bundles
Down Syndrome Education International'See and Learn Speech apps for iPads are now available together as bundles - offering savings of 20% compared to purchasing the apps separately.

See and Learn Speech is designed to help children with Down syndrome learn to hear the differences between sounds, learn to say individual sounds, practise simple sound combinations and whole words and phrases.

See and Learn Speech includes 5 steps - each available as a printed kit or an app: See and Learn Playing with Sounds, See and Learn Putting Sounds Together, See and Learn Saying Words, See and Learn Saying More Words, and See and Learn Saying Later Words.

The See and Learn Speech Bundle for iPads includes all five apps.

The See and Learn Saying Words Bundle includes three apps: See and Learn Saying Words, See and Learn Saying More Words, and See and Learn Saying Later Words.

New report from NSW Ombudsman 
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability, 13th July 2015: 
People in disability accommodation die 30 years earlier than the community norm! Alongside this alarming statistic the report outlines numerous recommendations to remedy this, many of which NSW CID has been advocating for over the years. Action must now happen. 
The interplay between health and intellectual disability also demonstrates a key reason why systemic advocacy needs to be able to work across multiple systems not just the disability sector.

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