Friday 10 July 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 11th - 12th July 2015

Keeping Up With Chris
MiniDoc: Attitude TV, 8th July 2015 (3.00 m)
... At just 22 years old, Chris combines part-time work with university study as well as a demanding gymnastics training programme ...
All Lives Matter (14m 27s)
Karen Gaffney TEDx Portland, 30th May 2015
Karen Gaffney left the Rose City and the World in awe with a captivating Talk that explored the history, current state and progress of Down Syndrome. Her idea? All lives matter. Further, we must refine our vocabulary and eradicate “the R word” as the word “retard” has no place in our daily language ...

Kids with disabilities make friends more easily when they're learning not playing
Lori E Meyer and Michaelene M Ostrosky, Quartz, 2nd July 2015
Friendships provide children with joy, laughter and comfort. They may also prevent later bullying and support smoother transitions into kindergarten for children with a range of disabilities. Friendships are considered a vital developmental milestone for all children.
Yet, developing close relationships may be difficult for some children. This is especially true for children who enter school without well-developed social-emotional skills. About 40% of children with disabilities, for example, enter kindergarten without developing age-appropriate skills in this area ...
Hospitals and fighting for breastfeeding (all over again)
Beautiful Little Souls Blog, 4th July 2015
... I believe that this nurse took things further and pushed against going back to the breast because of Elva’s diagnosis. She saw Down syndrome and an ASD and simply assumed that Elva could not cope with breastfeeding. In hindsight there were several times that things were assumed about how Elva was fed based purely on her diagnosis. Several people assumed that she was on formula, a few that she was always tube fed and every single person was visibly surprised that she was exclusively breastfed, and was doing so well with it and without issues ...
Non-invasive prenatal testing for Down's syndrome - beyond the hype
Jane Fisher, BioNews, 22nd June 2015
... One thing NIPT will not change is the devastating impact of a confirmed prenatal diagnosis within the context of a wanted pregnancy, so we must be vigilant in employing the highest standards of care for expectant parents in this circumstance and support their individual choices.
Abuse and neglect of people with disabilities demands zero-tolerance response
Patsie Frawley and Susan Balandin, The Conversation, 7th July 2015
Violence, abuse and neglect of people with disabilities have historically been driven by exclusion, discrimination and institutionalisation. While the disability system has undergone significant and important reforms over the past three decades, many problems remain. We’re still failing to protect people with disabilities ...

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