Tuesday 28 July 2015

Would you like to help us influence the next generation of teachers?

From the University of Western Sydney School of Education:
We are looking for families who would be interested in sharing their perspectives to enhance students’ understanding of how disability influences an individual and family’s everyday life. This might include the challenges, the supports, the frustrations and the joys. 
The students are teachers and therapists undertaking further study because they are interested in working in the field of inclusive education. Their assignment requires them to interview an individual with a disability or a family member for about 30 minutes. We feel it is important for students to listen and learn from families. Therefore, we would like to invite you to provide a student with the opportunity to talk with you about your experiences. Please be assured that, should you agree for you and your child/adolescent to be involved, his/her privacy will be protected with no names or identifying characteristics used in the student’s two assignments, which will be marked by a university lecturer. The students have been fully briefed on issues of confidentiality and the importance of recognising individuals’ rights to privacy. If you agree the interview will be audio recoded. The information obtained from the case study will not be used for any other purpose than the assignments. 
If you would like to participate or have any questions or concerns please contact Kerry Staples, Unit Coordinator at School of Education, University of Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus at k.staples@uws.edu.au.

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