Monday 31 August 2015

'Estate Planning' seminar + webinar date

Estate Planning Seminar - last chance to register
Presented by Jonathan Harris from HarrisFriedmann Lawyers
Saturday 12 September 2015 Parramatta
For more information or to book, click HERE or call Down Syndrome NSW on 02 9841 4444

Can't get to the Sydney event? Save this date!
Estate Planning – Webinar
For people living outside of Metro Sydney, we will be offering an Estate Planning  webinar hosted by Jonathan Harris

7 - 9 pm Wednesday 14 October

Registration details will be confirmed in the coming month by email. To access the webinar, you will need a computer with internet access at a reasonable speed.

Please note, places for this webinar are reserved for people living outside of Sydney. 
A waitlist will be available for people based in Sydney who cannot make the live workshop in September.

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