Friday 21 August 2015

Recent issues of online newsletters

Free online subscriptions are available for each o these publications:

Down Syndrome News, Vol 38 #2, Summer 2015
(US) National Down Syndrome Congress
  • A Remarkable Woman
  • Siblings. Brothers and Sisters.
  • An Uncomplicated Life (extract)
  • 10 Defusing Phrases to Use at IEP Meetings
  • Self Advocate Corner: Doug McBride
  • Inclusion: Celebration of Diversity in Action
  • Infantile Spasms in Children with Down Syndrome: Investigating a Rare but Serious Condition

NSW CID e-news, August 2015

Accessible Arts News: August 2015

Crucial Times, #49, July 2015 - articles on the theme of friendship

Service, Support and Success (The Direct Support Workers' Newsletter) Volume 4-Issue 8, August 2015

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