Thursday 1 October 2015

Sex education: rights and resources

To paraphrase the very knwledgeable and to-the-point Dave Hingsburger:
'... you can deny your son or daughter an education about sex and sexuality, but they will learn about it anyway - you just won't know what they have learned and how safe it is ...'
This Is What Sex Ed for the Intellectually Disabled Looks Like
Monica Heisey, Broadly, 30th September 2015
A lack of sexual education has an impact in all aspects of a person's life, so why are intellectually disabled people given so few opportunities to learn about sex on their own terms? ...

The Down Syndrome NSW library collection includes several items about sexuality education. You might like to start with this classic, which pretty much sets the benchmark:
Teaching children with Down syndrome about their bodies, boundaries, and sexuality: a guide for parents and professionals by Terri Couwenhoven
Members can contact Jo in the library via email to arrange a loan. The Down Syndrome NSW library catalogue is available to view here.

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