Friday 23 October 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 24th - 25th October 2015

Faces in the crowd and Down syndrome awareness
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing, 14th October 2015
This past weekend, my wife and I enjoyed a trip to New York City. Here’s what we saw, and what we didn’t see ...

How My Son Chooses to Teach Down Syndrome Awareness
Mardra Sikora, Huffington Post, 17th October 2015 
Earlier this week my son and I presented the animated short of the children's storybook, Black Day: The Monster Rock Band. We had a few stops scheduled; one was to the third grade classes at an elementary school near Austin. The teacher who arranged our visit told me, "I read the book to my class last week. They loved it! I told them that the author has Down syndrome and they asked, 'What is Down syndrome?'"

This has been my dilemma as Marcus and I have met each new group. Should we talk about Down syndrome? And to what extent? It is, after all, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and Marcus does happen to have Down syndrome ...

In the case of the first graders we visited in Georgia, they were pretty focused on the monsters in the band, the angry mob, and loving the music.

When I advocate for Thorin, I see Monty too
Kari Wagner-Peck, Bloom, 16th October 2015
... Early on, professionals and lay people repeatedly assured us that all children with Down syndrome are happy. In time I came to realize that these people meant more than “happy.” They meant “simple.” They believed people with Down syndrome couldn’t understand the complexities and ambiguities of life, so, as a result, they were happy.

I knew this was not a universal truth about people with Down syndrome. No one is happy all the time. I had known someone with Down syndrome, and he was definitely not happy. He was also quite painfully aware of the complexities of life ...

When a Man Uttered 2 Magic Words About My Son With Down Syndrome
Maxine Sinda Napal, The Mighty, 22nd October 2015
... For days, the sense of being overwhelmed quietly threatened like black boiling clouds that precede a hurricane. It’s the big fear. The great unknown. The old what if.

But not today. No what if. Just what is. One older man on a bike grinning at a toddler toddling ...

Sometimes people need a little help finding romance and people with disabilities are no exception
Lesley Robinson, 7.30 Report (ABC TV), 22nd September 2015 (video 7m 23s)
Sometimes people need a little bit of help to find romance - and people with disabilities are no exception. That's where the Dateables Ball comes in. It's a singles dance, relying on some old-fashioned matchmaking to help people with disabilities looking for love ...

Step Up! for Down Syndrome - Huskisson, 2015

Step Up! for Down Syndrome - Huskisson, 2015
Step Up! for Down Syndrome - Huskisson, 2015

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