Tuesday 23 February 2016

Health news, information, commentary

Down Syndrome Nutrition: Top Tips from Joan Guthrie Medlen, MEd, RDN, LD
Global Down Syndrome Foundation, 19 January 2016
Recipient of Global’s Award of Excellence in Behavioral Health and Nutrition and author of the Down Syndrome Nutrition Handbook, Joan Guthrie Medlen shares her three important tips for healthy living and well-being.

The November 2015 Global Down Syndrome Foundation Educational Series focused on Nutrition and Lifestyles for Children, Teens, and Adults with Down Syndrome.

Losing Angelica: why one family decided to relinquish their daughter with a disability
Miki Perkins, The Age, 21 February 2016
People in Australia with a dual disability need better care ...

Why society is making people with disabilities sick
Anne Kavanagh, Pursuit (University of Melbourne), 29 January 2016
... When I talk to public health colleagues about my research I am sometimes met with furrowed brows, consternation. What do I mean? After all, doesn’t disability equal poor health by definition? “No, not necessarily,” I say ...

Current models of health service delivery for people with intellectual disability: Literature review 
NSW CID e-news, #1, 2016
The Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC), UNSW, Australia, has recently conducted a review on current models of health service delivery for people with intellectual disability. The aim of this project is to improve health services for people with intellectual disability in NSW.

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