Thursday 3 March 2016

21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs (3)

Day 3

The dance teacher with Down's Syndrome
Kate Monaghan, BBC News Magazine, 11 February 2016
Becoming a professional dancer was always 22-year-old Hannah Sampson's dream. Having Down's Syndrome, though, she imagined there would be too many barriers in the way. After her mum heard about a dance group for disabled and non-disabled dancers, Hannah, who was still at school at the time, went along to try it out.

"She immediately threw herself into it, and her talent was apparent from the start" says Siobhan Hayes, Hannah's teacher ... video 2m 58s

The 21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs posts are being compiled into a single page, linked in the list just under the banner at the top of this screen. 
Your contributions are welcome, if you would like to highlight your own job, or someone with Down syndrome who is working - email the editor at

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