Saturday 5 March 2016

21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs (5)

Billy kindly allowed us to use this
 photo from his 55th birthday post to
illustrate a flyer some years ago.
Day 5

Billy Schulz's, full  and happy life (1956 - 2012) is well documented by his mother, Dr Jane Shulz, other family members, and by Billy himself.  Grown Man Now, their website, remains as a tribute to Billy.

In her book of the same name (a copy is in our library collection), Jane, a professor of special education, devotes considerable space to discussing the importance of work for Billy, the jobs he had, those he liked and did not like, and how they came about. He worked for several years in a university library and then at two locations of a well known grocery chain.

In this blog post, Billy himself writes about his job at the store.

The 21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs posts are being compiled into a single page, linked in the list just under the banner at the top of this screen. 
You contributions are welcome, if you would like to highlight your own job, or someone with Down syndrome who is working - email the editor at

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