Tuesday 8 March 2016

21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs (8)

Day 8

On this International Women's Day, it seems appropriate to acknowledge the work of the late Laura Lee - she was well known for her advocacy and lobbying work on behalf of others with Down syndrome. She also worked at the World Bank. A leader and a role model for women and for men with Down syndrome.

Down syndrome activist remembered for the life she lived
Debra Alfarone, WUSA, 3 March 2016
Laura Lee wasn't just an advocate for people with Down syndrome, she lived her life with it. And she lived her life in a way that made others, including those without disabilities, look like they were standing still. Simply put, Laura Lee did things first. The 33-year-old Oakton woman with Down syndrome died in her sleep last week ...

The 21 people with Down syndrome at work - 21 different jobs posts are being compiled into a single page, linked in the list just under the banner at the top of this screen. 
You contributions are welcome, if you would like to highlight your own job, or someone with Down syndrome who is working - email the editor at downsyndromenswblogs@gmail.com

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