Tuesday 22 March 2016

It's still World Down Syndrome Day in half the world ...

It's still 21 March in some parts of the world, including New York, where the 5th World Down Syndrome Day Conference is in session. Catia MalaquaisDirector of Down Syndrome Australia, is one of the speakers, on “Powering Inclusion: Changing Cultural Perspectives of Down Syndrome and Disability through Inclusive Imagery and Messages”.  You can see it online here.

Here are just a few more thoughts on World Down Syndrome Day 2016 (there are many, many more online):

A chat with our Chairperson on World Down Syndrome Day
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability, 21 March 2016
... My life is as busy as ever! I may have turned 50 but I don’t feel it. By saying this I mean I haven’t changed, I’m still young at heart.

There are so many things in my life that I never expected to do. Never even dreamt I would achieve. I’ve been part of NSW CID for a long time but I never dreamt I would be the Chairperson one day. This is my second term and I’m still really happy about that ...

What George did - World Down Syndrome Day
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 21 March 2016
"What if our baby is George? He has a job. He is in love. He has a full life. What if our baby is George?"

They have a wonderful son, with Down Syndrome.

Many of us with disabilities know that just by living our lives, out loud, out proud, in the most profound political statement we make ...

About Down Syndrome from a Woman with Down Syndrome
Jennifer Bekins, Talk - DS, 21 March 2016
I woke up this morning and started a long Facebook post on what World Down Syndrome Day means to me. Then the site crashed and those words disappeared before they posted.

I have many, many thoughts on Down syndrome. However, my sister April shared her thoughts on Down syndrome and with her permission I want to share them with you ...

We did nothing Special for World Down Syndrome DayEmbracing Wade, 21 March 2016
March 21 is world Down syndrome day. A day when our community comes together to celebrate the lives and achievements of people with Down syndrome. A day to raise awareness and educate the rest of the world about what it looks like to live with Down syndrome today. It’s also my mums birthday… and Wade and I did nothing special ...

Testing Times - World Down Syndrome Day 2016 (video 3m 8s))
Caroline White, Mar 8, 2016
Testing Times is a personal video for World Down Syndrome Day 2016 inspired by my own experience, illustrating how negative journalism and outdated, unbalanced information leads to people with Down's syndrome being wrongly perceived as less value to others. My son Seb is 8 years old. When we were given his diagnosis, 24 hours after he was born, we feared our future. Reality could not be further from that vision. We are a typical family and we wouldn't swap him for the world. He is an equal and valued member of our unit.

L'Arche International
What is meant by the word disability? For Raffaella Monterosso, from L’Arche Italy, it means when your father grows old and there’s nothing you can do but love him. As L'Arche celebrates World Down Syndrome Day, we honour all those with Down Syndrome who, like Raffaella, are taking care of their aging parents. Imagine the world differently.

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