Wednesday 23 March 2016

Latest additions to events pages

These links provide information about events run by other organisations that might be of interest to people with Down syndrome, their families, carers and professionals who support them 
All current events listings 
Special Olympics - for anyone aged 10 years and over who has an intellectual disability. No experience is necessary to take part in the program, and all golf clubs and practice balls will be supplied. “Come and try” day will be held on Sunday 3 April between 1pm and 3pm. Participants should register beforehand. Then Sundays between 1pm and 4pm. The last Sunday of the month will be a competition development session where participants will test their skills on the golf course. Family members or friends are welcome to come along and help during the competition development sessions.
From Sunday 3 April 2016 - Werrington

Webinar: Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)
National Disability Insurance Scheme - panel discussing the new ECEI approach, feedback from the Nepean Blue Mountains to date and how the NDIA will work with partners and participants so children and their families obtain the right supports to give them a good start in life. Join the discussion by sending your questions before or during the webinar.
Tuesday 5 April 2016 - online

Carers and the NDIS
Carers NSW - a free half-day workshop for family members and friends (carers) of people with disability aiming to provide carers with a general introduction to the NDIS, help carers support the person they care for to access the NDIS, and prepare carers to communicate their own needs in relation to the NDIS. Further information. Register online here.
7 April - 21 June 2016 - locations across NSW

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