Friday 1 April 2016

Autism Acceptance Day/Month: Down Syndrome and Autism dual diagnosis

Tomorrow, 2 April is Autism Acceptance Day, and April is claimed as Autism Acceptance Month internationally - very relevant for those with the dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism and their families.
It is believed that 7-18%1(some research suggests up to 39%2) of individuals with Down syndrome also have autism spectrum disorder. Both Down syndrome and autism can be challenging disabilities separately, without the combination, however when combined the challenges are multiplied and can be quite complex ... Down Syndrome-Autism Connection
Down Syndrome Australia hosts a Facebook page for people with a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. It is a place for sharing information and support about the dual diagnosis of Down syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder - DS/ASD.

Assistiveware is repeating its excellent-value discount offer from last year, 2 - 4 April 2016
Here at AssistiveWare, we are passionate about supporting our diverse user community and April is the perfect time to highlight the valuable contributions autistic people make in our world. This year, like last year, we made the decision to recognize April as Autism Acceptance Month and April 2nd as Autism Acceptance Day. And we’re offering a discount…not just on one product, but two. Both our symbol and text-based communication apps — Proloquo2Go and Proloquo4Text — will be offered at a 50% discount. An incredible value! ... click here for details and check with AssistiveWare about the best time to order taking international time zones into account.
Assistiveware published this article in honour of World Down Syndrome Day:
Young woman with Down Syndrome finds her communicative independenceAssistiveWare, 21 March 2016
... Diagnosed with Down Syndrome and moderate/severe hearing loss, Elysha has used a combination of sign and voice all her life. Even though she’s fluent in sign language, Elysha felt isolated because only a few people also master sign. Often she would give up rather than try to repeat herself over and over, and so became more withdrawn ... Now Elysha uses Proloquo4Text on an iPad Mini with bluetooth speaker, just in case she’s in a noisy environment. Lisa is her voice of choice because she likes the way it sounds; she’s female, adult and has an Aussie accent! ... 
Focus on Autism Week 2- 8 April
Lines of Inquiry, Edition 12, March 201

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