Wednesday 20 April 2016

Health advocacy: NSW CID

NSW CID advocates off to
Canberra this week
Dennis McGuire's speaking tour  (Sydney, Newcastle) next month is an indication of the importance of knowledge about and attention to mental health for people with Down syndrome, and the interaction of mental and physical health.

The NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (our State peak body on the interests of people with intellectual disability) has long been a strong and active advocate for all aspects of health care for people with intellectual disability. Representatives are currently in Canberra for two days of meetings where they are seeking a commitment that:
All major Commonwealth physical and mental health initiatives will include specific consideration of what needs to happen to make them work for people with intellectual disability.
NSW CID is asking that supporters of these efforts share their Facebook status dated 19 April 2016 to spread awareness of the need for their health advocacy at Federal level.

Visit the NSW CID website to see what else they do to secure and promote good healthcare for people with intellectual disability, under the 'What We Do' tab.

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