Tuesday 5 April 2016

More people with Down syndrome ...

Ben Paior Smith on Q and A, 4 April 2016
News.com, 5 April 2016
... "Earlier in the program (Q and A, ABC TV,)16-year-old Ben Paior Smith won the audience over with his plea for more support.

“I go to a mainstream school. I need extra help there. I want to know when the Government will help students with disabilities like me properly so I can get a good job when I finish school.”

South Australian MP for the Dignity for Disability party, Kelly Vincent, who herself has cerebral palsy, said funding wasn’t the only problem — there was also a “culture of low expectation”.

“Particularly students with disabilities, we repeatedly see them burdened with low expectations because we don’t expect them to do much.

“We are not investing in that culture that would actually see them asked, ‘what do you want to achieve? What are your skills, assets, capabilities?" ...
Peter's Speech - "Stop Discriminating Down!" (Video 4m 49s)
Jerome Lejeune Foundation USA, 14 March 2016
Peter, a young man from Holland with Down syndrome, shares his life and his sadness that so many choose to abort people like him after a prenatal diagnosis.

 Australian Down Syndrome Swimming Team raising $300,00 to compete in Italy as they chase Paralympics representation
Travis Meyn, Courier-Mail via Fox Sports, 23 March 2016
Meet the group behind a push to have athletes with down syndrome given a fair crack at the Paralympics. The Down Syndrome Swimming Australia national team is raising $300,000 to compete at the World Trisome Games in Italy in July ...

The first woman with Down Syndrome to be cast as the face of a beauty company
Emma Spedding, Daily Telegraph (UK), 4 April 2016When it comes to casting, critics often argue the beauty industry has a tendency of representing one narrow, unrealistic type of beauty. But Katie Meade is the latest model who is helping to change all that; she is the first model with Down Syndrome to become the face of a beauty campaign ... "beauty belongs to everybody" ...
Queensland boy with Down syndrome newest face of BondsAmy Mitchell-Whittington, Brisbane Times, 28 March 2016
A Queensland boy with Down syndrome has become the newest face for Bonds after he won the People's Choice category for 2016.

Hyperreal Tales (Video 6 m)
Bundanon Trust, ABC Open, 17 March 2016
Hyperreal Tales has been three years in development.  Director/choreographer Philip Channells and filmmaker Sam James worked with nineteen storytellers and artists, initially contacted with the help of local health and disability service providers ... 

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