Thursday 7 April 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (47)

NDIS and Me
People with Down syndrome and/or their families and carers can join the closed Facebook Group, NDIS and Me,  for discussion specifically about the NDIS and people with Down syndrome.

NDIS eNewsletter, March 2016

Video: What is the Intellectual Disability Reference Group?
NDIS eNewsletter, March 2016
The Group is chaired by IAC Principal Member, Rhonda Galbally. Last year, the Independent Advisory Council (IAC) established an Intellectual Disability Reference Group to advise the Council on the effectiveness of the Scheme design and how the Agency can engage and better connect with people with intellectual disability to help them achieve their goals.

We joined the Group at their March meeting to provide you with a snapshot of their important work, and learn how the IAC is listening to ideas and feedback from people with intellectual disability, carers, advocates, providers and academics about how the Scheme can better support the inclusion of people with intellectual disability.

Group members interviewed for the video include NSW Council for Intellectual Disability chairperson Michael Sullivan, Adelaide People First advocacy group founder Silvana Gant, senior advocate Jim Simpson, and NDIA Service Delivery General Manager Liz Cairns.

The March meeting focused on how the Scheme can best support people with intellectual disability to make decisions about their lives and what they need to achieve their goals.

NSW Council on Intellectual Disability (blog), 6 April 2016
CID has been having lots of conversations and engaging with many people about the NDIS Information Linkages and Capacity Building Framework which is currently in consultation. Submissions on the framework can be made until 22 April.

Here are some of our initial thoughts and questions on the framework. 

CID will continue our research and prepare a final submission but we wanted to share some of the ideas and themes that we are developing ...

Financial Models for NDIS Housing – NFP ReportLina Caneva, Probono News, 31 March 2016
Using the NDIS to address the large housing shortage for people with disability will depend on the ability of housing providers to access significant amounts of capital from the private financial market, according to a new analysis ...
Ellie Cooper, Probono Australia News, 23 March 2016
Two social workers concerned about the lack of information on NDIS services, and their quality, have created an online directory of ratings and reviews, writes Ellie Cooper in this week’s Spotlight on Social Enterprise ...

Indepent advisory Council (IAC) advice on reasonable and necessary support across the lifespan: An ordinary life for people with disabilityIndependent Advisory Council, NDIS, March 2016
... (This) paper takes an ‘ordinary life’ in 21st century multicultural Australia as its starting point because people with disability share the ordinary aspirations of their peers without disability but need reasonable and necessary NDIS support to achieve them. The ordinary life provides clues as to how these aspirations would typically be met providing a useful benchmark to guide understanding of reasonable and necessary support ...
  • Comment on NDIS and Me Facebook Group, 28 March 2016:  It's very long, but you can click on the bits you might want to read from the link here. Given that over 60% of NDIS participants have an intellectual disability, I'm hoping there are Plain English and Easy Read versions being developed.
Bringing the Good Life to Life (website)
Community Resource Unit (Qld), launched March 2016

Community Resource Unit Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of a new website we have developed as part of our NDIS Participant Readiness program. This website has been created as a resource for people with disability and their supporters, both paid and unpaid.

Our idea was to create a website that explored what makes a Good Life and some of the things that can be done to create and sustain this for a person with disability ...

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