Monday 18 April 2016

On employment ...

Kirsty Needham, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 April 2016
... The justice department will become the first NSW government agency to introduce employment targets for disabled workers, in a government-wide push to reverse a fall in employment rates. A plummet in the number of disabled people working for the NSW government had sparked calls last year for targets modelled on gender targets ...

Gaza's first teacher with Down's Syndrome thrives in the classroom
Albawaba, 11 April 2016
Hiba Al Sharfa has become the Gaza Strip’s first teacher with Down’s Syndrome, after a lifelong effort to achieve the dream.

Al Sharfa teaches at Right to Live, an NGO based in the Gaza Strip that supports and cares for children with Down’s Syndrome ...

VATTA employment committee
Canadian Down Syndrome Society

Disability conference highlights costs of exclusion and opportunities for change
Georgia Cranko, The Guardian, 18 February 2016
Disabled people are mostly ignored by Australian businesses but Melbourne conference highlights five ways to create social change and employ more people ... The program was headlined by Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, disability advisor to the World Bank Group, while other sessions were led by prominent spokespeople, including Ron McCallum, Graeme Innes and Rosemary Kayess who all have lived experience of disability ...
Becky Bisbee, Seattle Times, 22 March 2016
Expanding job opportunities for people with disabilities means creating taxpayers who will lessen the need for public assistance. Employers get capable workers who take pride in their work ...

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