Friday 22 April 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 23 - 24 April 2016

The Down Syndrome Memo
David M Perry, How Did We Get Into This Mess? 17 April 2016
... I'd like the mothers (with whom I've discussed this on Facebook), as they move into this highly public phase of talking about Down syndrome, to be deeply conscious about how their "function-based" claims of value for Delaney exclude less functional people. I know it's unintentional, but the exclusion happens anyway ...
The Special Needs Island
Ellen Stumbo, 18 April 2016
... I confess at times I’ve fantasized about this make-belief island. The place where nobody stares when your child is having a sensory overload or where an IEP is not a fight. The blissful place where all your friends get it because they live it too. The island where you know you are not alone.From talking to special needs parents, I often hear they feel isolated. And while the idea of the island is indeed very appealing when you’re having a hard day and it feels as if nobody gets it, more than anything, I want people to see us ...

My daughter who has Down Syndrome is perfect
Danielle Colley, Australian Women's Weekly, 13 April 2016
Often a Down Syndrome diagnosis is viewed as negative, but one family has found it was anything but ...

High-Functioning Teachers Needed
Kari Wagner-Peck, A Typical Son, 15 April 2016
... “Okay, listen up, “high-function” and “low-function” is crap. That’s something The Man– you look old enough to remember The Man, am I correct?”

She nodded: “Yes.”

“Okay, so, The Man, says we’re not going to invest our time in teaching certain people so we will come up with some crappy way to absolve ourselves and blame the student. Hence: high or low functioning.” ...

Friday essay: on telling the stories of characters with Down syndrome 
Sarah Kanake, The Conversation, 22 April 2016
In 2014 I was asked, by my then university, to present in a jovial end of year debate. My partner, brother and a few of my close friends came to watch. The auditorium was packed. There were university bigwigs on both teams. I was pretty nervous. It went well, although many of the debaters thought they were presenting in a real debate and the rest (myself included) had only prepared jokes ...
  • Sing Fox to Me is published by Affirm Press, and is available in print or as an eBook.

Adorable little dude
Geoff Lewis, Parent to Parent (NZ) March 2016
... 'I wanted everything to go away or the world to stop while I worked out what to do, who to tell and how to tell people. I didn't want people to be put on the spot of they congratulated me or say 'Oh no'; should they come and visit, what would they say to my kids?' ...

Blog #141 ~ Managing Stress as a Special Needs Parent
Down Syndrome with a Slice of Autism, 11 April 2016
... You see we don’t fit in to either the Down syndrome support groups or the autism groups. But at this retreat, we all can openly discuss the unique problems of raising a child with a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism, in addition to behaviors associated with ADD,ADHD and more ...

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