Saturday 9 April 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 9 - 10 April 2016

Employable Me - Zena and Employable Me - Matthew
BBC, April 2016
Following up on BB2's Employable Me, BBC Three have shared some short films about people with Down's syndrome who are job-hunting. 

Designing Glasses That Fit Individuals With Down Syndrome
Heather Hansom, Smithsonian Magazine, 6 April 2-16
Optician Maria Dellapina started Specs4Us when her daughter struggled to find a pair of glasses that wouldn't slip ...

An Open Letter to Medical Students: Down Syndrome, Paradox, and Medicine
George Estreich, AMA Journal of Ethics, April 2016,
If you’re reading this, you could be anyone—a bioethicist, a Facebook friend, an adult with Down syndrome—but the “you” I have in mind is a future clinician. As a writer and parent of someone with Down syndrome, my aim is to share questions and insights that may be useful to you. Clinical encounters involving people with intellectual disabilities can be both charged and complex; understanding the complexities may help improve the encounters, by helping clinicians see the patient more clearly ...

Imprevisti, 31 March 2016Speech delivered by Martina Fuga, member of the board of Coordown at the 2016 World Down Syndrome Day Conference at the United Nations, New York, 21 March 2016.

My Banished Brother
Lisa Reswick, New York Times blogs (Well), 1 April 2016
... I was at work in New York City when my phone rang. A voice said, “This is Wanda from your brother Jimmy’s group home.” Tears came instantly, although I’d never heard of her and had no idea why she was calling ...

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