Wednesday 25 May 2016

Health news and information

Lindsay Kalter Boston Herald,  21May 2016
Massachusetts General Hospital will soon launch the first ever “virtual clinic” for people with Down syndrome in an effort to reach patients who do not have access to local clinics and relieve overwhelmed primary care physicians.

“It’s really going to transform the way we’re able to deliver health care to people with Down syndrome and other disability populations,” said Dr. Brian Skotko, co-director of the MGH Down Syndrome Program. “The modern day primary care physician maybe only has one or two patients with Down syndrome, and it’s unreasonable to expect them to stay up to date on research for the conditions of all of their patients.” ...

Elaine Keogh, Irish Independent, 9 May 2016
The mother of an 11-year-old boy who has Down Syndrome, arthritis and is non-verbal has told how he was "in pain for years and we did not know" ...
  • See this recent post for a research article on children with Down syndrome and arthritis
Dr. Brian Skotko and Melissa Reilly, Sargent College 8th Annual Meredith E. Drench Lecture, 3 May 2016
The Meredith E. Drench Lecture, Sargent College’s first endowed lecture series, was established by physical therapy alumna Dr. Meredith E. Drench to share her passion and belief in the “compassionate rehabilitation” of the whole person. The 2016 lecture, “Keeping Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome Healthy: Medical Updates for Health Care Professionals” was delivered by Dr. Brian G. Skotko and Melissa J. Reilly ...

Kevin Deane, Medscape, 25 February 2016
Adult Down Syndrome Clinic referenced this article with this comment on Facebook on 4 March 2016:
Here is an interesting correlation - gout and sleep apnea. Both gout and sleep apnea are more common in people with Down syndrome. This information indicates a potential causative link between sleep apnea and gout. 
Gout is caused by an elevated uric acid level which is a by-product of the break-down of purines. Uric acid can deposit in joints causing inflammation and gouty arthritis. It can deposit in other locations as well such as the kidneys causing kidney damage or kidney stones. 
If you have gout or sleep apnea, consider testing for the other
Nature (Genetics in Medicine, 1 April 2016
Genetics in Medicine's podcast discusses the distribution of cancers by types and ages in people with Down syndrome in Denmark.

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