Friday 6 May 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 7 - 8 May 2016

Deaf Society president Alastair McEwin will take up the role as Disability Discrimination Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission in late July, filling the vacancy left by Graeme Innes in mid-2014. He takes the reins from Susan Ryan, who has been juggling the role along with that of Age Discrimination Commissioner since the departure of Mr Innes nearly two years ago. While disability advocates have respected her work, they have wanted someone with a disability in the role as a full-time commissioner.

As well as his role at the Deaf Society, Mr McEwin is the chairman of the Disability Council of NSW. He is profoundly deaf. He said the appointment was "an incredible honour." ... more.

The Comparison Bitch
Mariah Nichols, 30 April 2016
We know we are not supposed to compare our kids. Point blank, we’re not supposed to compare them, be it compare them with their siblings or compare them with their peers, we know we aren’t supposed to go there. We’ve got that stuff about “every child being unique” coming out of our brains like steam out of a roiling kettle, but seriously. Does that change anything?

Can it even change anything, when we live in a comparison-based culture, when kids are assessed within an inch of their small brains, when we are hearing about how other mothers “do it”, when even inspiration porn has reign because “if they can do it, your excuse is invalid” ...

False Negatives: Evaluations of Functionally "Nonverbal" Children
Dana Nieder, Uncommon Sense, 30 October 2016
... Not only will believing the numbers send you down some sort of spiral-of-terrible-feelings, but believing them will change your expectations for your child. The numbers will change what you believe your child is capable of, they will plant seeds of poisonous doubt, and they will corrode your ability to presume competence. If you have a child who doesn’t speak, one of your biggest, constant jobs in life will be to advocate for their people to believe in them . . . so if you start to lower your expectations, others will follow ...

One Year On: Murmuration celebrates one year in the industry
Elle Evangelista, Dance Informa, April 2016
... I remember their launch night vividly. Held at their base, Addison Road Community Centre, there was a sense of excitement and expectation in the air as Murmuration officially launched as Sydney’s first professional integrated performance company back in April 2015. One year on, and the organisation continues going from strength to strength and exceeding many expectations originally set ...

Down Syndrome News, Volume 39, Number 1, Spring 2016
(US) National Down Syndrome Congress
In this issue ...
About my sister 
Greg Rogers, a living act of kindness  
Employee of the month, Tony Piontek 
Remembering ... Judith Ann Smith  
What I have learned from persons with Down syndrome 
A little NDSC history lesson  
Recommended reading and viewing  
NDSC at the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics 
Self-Advocate Corner  
Esperar la perfección  

Engaging Insight: Keys to Person-Centred Thinking 
Céline Parent, Service, Support and Success: International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, Vol 5, Issue 5, May 2016
Let’s pretend for a moment that I live in a 24-hour support home. And let’s pretend that you work at that home, and you come in first thing in the morning which means that you are responsible for helping me get organized and out the door ...
  • This excellent Canadian publication is now available in French and English
  • Back issues of Service. Support and Success are freely available online
NSW Council for Intellectual Disability e-News, April 2016

My Choice Matters Newsletter, April 2016

NDIS April 2016 e-Newsletter

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