Wednesday 1 June 2016

Disability sector news

Australian Electoral Commission resources
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has developed easy read guides for the upcoming election including how to enroll to vote, how to vote on election day and how to postal vote. They can be downloaded by clicking here.

The Federal election will be on Saturday 2 July.

Work and Care initiative gaining momentum
Carers Australia, Carers National News, May 2016
Carers Australia has produced a range of valuable resources as part of our Work and Care initiative, which aims to improve the capacity of carers to combine employment with their caring responsibilities, and to assist long-term carers on income support to transition into employment when their caring role ceases or is reduced ... read more

Disability Justice Project
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability e-news, May 2016
The Disability Justice Project aims to build disability services sector capacity to better support people with cognitive disabilities who are in contact or at risk of contact with the justice system.

The Project provides free training for services. Click here to find out more about free training available.

Taxi subsidy for disabled increased from July after 16-year wait
Kirsty Needham, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 May 2016
"I don't like to sit around," says Mark Tonga, who became a tetraplegic eight years ago in a rugby training accident. He cheers on the Wallabies, recites poetry, and attends Sydney Opera House performances and the art gallery on top of his prodigious volunteer work in the rugby community ...

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