Tuesday 14 June 2016

News and commentary from the broader disability community

Disability is so often a complicated topic
Business Disability International, 2016
BDI has created a new animation ‘Labels Are So Old Brain’. It highlights ‘old brain’ thinking on disability (assumptions, labels, etc), and focuses on the potential for ‘new brain’ thinking around human potential, talent, and opportunity. We hope this animation will help start a fresh conversation with employers and other stakeholders ...

Why the Right to Choose is Important
Bob Joondeph, Disability Rights Oregon, 22 August 2015
... Studies show that self-determination and the right to make life choices are key elements for a meaningful and independent life. To borrow an old expression, if you make a decision for someone else you help them for a day, if you assist them to make good decisions for themselves, you help them for a lifetime ...

My unborn child has inspired me to think about disability and genetics and the value of a life
Carly Findlay, 29 June 2016
I wrote this for the Amazing Babes event at the Emerging Writers Festival. Gosh I was nervous about reading it out. I cried when I read it to Adam (and so did he). And I choked up on stage. And I was scared about publishing it. Because these issues aren't discussed enough. And people fling judgment around - even people in my own community. I don't think they realise how their judgement creates fear about discussing issues like this one ...
International Disability Alliance, 20 May 2016
People with disabilities face added risks of abandonment, neglect, and do not enjoy equal access to food, health care, and other assistance during conflict, displacement and reconstruction ... Governments, donors, and aid agencies are overwhelmed with many competing priorities during conflict and natural disaster. But they need to ensure that the rights and concerns of people with disabilities are addressed in aid efforts ...

Petitions, change and the 'r' word
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect, 24 May 2016
So, again, there's an entertainer, this time a comedian, who is using vile and hateful words in a routine about people with intellectual disabilities ... But, in the end, it wasn't his routine that left me feeling hopeless. I felt all sorts of things, anger, disgust and incredulity at the level of hateful ignorance spewed, but I didn't feel hopeless. What left me feeling hopeless was the audience. They were laughing. Some of them were laughing, hard.
And that, my friends, is our fault ...

Frank Brennan, The Conversation, 24 May 2016
Laws and policies often perpetrate and deepen the disadvantage and exclusion of vulnerable groups, especially prisoners ...

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