Friday 17 June 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 18 - 19 June 2016

Review: Shaken But Not Stirred, A Movie by the Christchurch Reflection Group of Seven Self Advocates 
Olive J Webb, Intellectual Disability Australasia, March 2016
Following the major earthquakes in Canterbury New Zealand, a group of seven self- advocates with intellectual disabilities, supported by Advocacy IHC, recognised a gap in support during natural disasters for people with intellectual disabilities, established the ‘Christchurch Reflection Group’ and made a movie ‘Shaken But Not Stirred’ ...
Raising A Daughter With Down Syndrome Makes Me Dream Of A More Inclusive Society
Rémy Bellet, HuffPost France (English translation), 16 June 2016
A year ago, the world got to know Louise through a message that started like this: “This is my daughter. Louise. She is 4 months old, and has two arms, two legs, two great chubby cheeks, and one extra chromosome.”

My wife, Caroline, wrote these words because she could no longer tolerate how people would reduce our daughter to her Down Syndrome. She could no longer tolerate that only four months after she was born, people were already mapping out her future ...

The mediocre Moms' guide to raising a child with Down syndrome, or any kid for that matter
Stephanie Hall Meredith, Down Syndrome Pregnancy, 2016
There are lots of articles out there praising parents as superheroes for raising children with Down syndrome or other conditions, but what if you’re a mom or dad who’s perfectly average?

I was lonely, I needed someone special
Susan Horsborough, Australian Womens Weekly, July 2016
An article continuing the Australian Women's Weekly's  well established practice of reporting on the lives of people with disabilities. This one is in the print and iPad editions of the July 2016 issue (now available for purchase), but not yet on the AWW website. Includes substantial input Liz Dore, from Relationships and Private Stuff, and from Natalie Bacci and Danielle Pham.

In ‘Finding Dory,’ a Forgetful Fish and a Warm Celebration of Differences
A O Scott, New York Times, 15 June 2016The movie was released in Australia this week. This review was highlighted by Dr Brian Skotko (Down Syndrome Program, Massachusetts General Hospital).
... In a way that is both emphatic and subtle, Finding Dory is a celebration of cognitive and physical differences. It argues, with lovely ingenuity and understatement, that what appear to be impairments might better be understood as strengths. The inclusiveness of the film’s vision is remarkable partly because it feels so natural, something that no adult will really need to explain. Children will get it, perhaps more intuitively and easily than the rest of us ...

Why you should hire someone with an intellectual disability
James Adonis, Sydney Morning Herald, 17 June 2016
Even when work is an agonising slog, having a job – any job – is a blessing. Aside from the remunerative benefits that ensue, employment boosts self-esteem, expands social networks and enhances well-being. Those benefits are especially pronounced for people with an intellectual disability ...

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