Friday 1 July 2016

1 July 2016: national roll-out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme begins

Today the NDIS moves from a handful of trial sites to the beginning of full roll out to people with disability across Australia.

Over the next few years an estimated 460,000 people with disability will be receiving the support they need to lead the life they choose. 
It’s a reminder of how far we’ve come in just five years!

Today it is a reality - Australia has a National Disability Insurance Scheme! 
What an achievement.
As a country we've made and are now delivering on a commitment to ensuring that all Australians can access the support they need to have a good life.

We of course know that the NDIS is not perfect, there's more work to do but we just wanted to stop to say thank you and well done to all those involved in getting things this far. 
To all the people with disability and their families who stood up and fought for something better - thank you. 
To all the allies, advocates, government, service providers and politicians who have shown leadership on this issue - thank you. 
Together we have shown that change is possible, yes it's a lot of work and it's not always easy - but we can make progress. 
So, let's keep going and make sure that the future is even brighter for people people with intellectual disability!

Disillusioned with politics? Then take heart in July 1
Annabel Crabb, ABC News, 28 June 2016
The very existence of the National Disability Insurance Scheme - to begin national operation this Friday - is a powerful rebuttal to that contemporary whine about big policy reforms being too hard for our short political attention spans ...

My First Plan Explained
Every Australian Counts, 29 June 2016
There’s been a lot of talk in recent weeks about “My First Plan” for people who are becoming NDIS participants when the full roll out starts on 1 July. Many people have questions and concerns so we’ve spoken to the NDIA to get the facts on exactly what it means ...

Catching up with Leigh
Every Australian Counts, 28 June 2016
Leigh Creighton shared his story with Every Australian Counts just as he embarked on his NDIS journey three years ago. With the full NDIS roll out starting this Friday in many part of Australia we caught up with Leigh to see how it’s working out ...

Ordinary Life profile: The Deane Family
NDIS, 22 May 2016 (video 1m 54s)
Kirsten Deane tells what an ordinary life means to her family.

Webinar: NDIS Ready
The NDIS is the new way of providing support for people with disability, their families and carers in Australia. From 1 July 2016, the NDIS will begin to roll out across Australia.

The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life. The NDIS also provides information and referrals to existing support services in the community
Over the next three years, the NDIS is being introduced in stages to ensure it is successful and sustainable because it is a big change. Now is the time to get ready.

This webinar, scheduled for 7 July 2016 will focus on explaining the basics of the NDIS, including:
  • What is the NDIS?
  • When is it coming to me?
  • How do I get ready?
NSW CID e-news, June 2016
The NDIS has released new resources on the pathway to becoming a participant of the NDIS. Click here to take a look.

The NDIS has also release a number of videos on a range of topics, click on the titles below to view them:

My NDIS Pathway 
Ordinary Life 
NDIS Ready 
Getting ready for the NDIS 
Permanent and significant disability and reasonable and necessary supports 
About the NDISProviders and working with the NDIS

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