Tuesday 12 July 2016

Craig Wallace steps down from presidency of PWDA

.From People with Disability Australia, 11 July 2016:
People with Disability Australia welcomes our new Acting President Bonnie Millen, and Acting Vice-President Kristy Trajcevski. As required under the constitution a full election where all members can nominate and vote for the President and PWDA Directors will be held in September - October. 
PWDA pays tribute to our outgoing President Craig Wallace for his work to advance the rights of people with disability across Australia. Craig's leadership has been essential in advocating for the NDIS, speaking out about violence and being a strong voice for people with disability in public life. We all appreciate strongly his commitment to change and his position as a champion for equality for people with disability. 
Read his farewell message here.
President of People With Disability Craig Wallace Steps Down
Wendy Williams, Probono News, 11 July 2016
President of People With Disability Craig Wallace said it was time to “pass on the baton” as he announced he was stepping down early ...

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