Thursday 7 July 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (50)

As the National Disability Insurance Scheme rolls out nationally from this week, there is a great deal of information coming from the scheme, and from external sources:

NDIS and Me
People with Down syndrome and/or their families and carers can join the closed Facebook Group, NDIS and Me,  for discussion specifically about the NDIS and people with Down syndrome.

Disability Loop - news

Launch of new participant portal
The new NDIS Participant Portal opened on 1 July -  it is called myplace. You will need to log in as usual on this linkSome of the processes have changed. Here is a link to a step-by-step guide to the new participant portal.

Launch of CID Connect
NSW CID e-news, June 2016
CID Connect is our new online forum where you can ask and answer questions about how the NDIS might affect you. 
CID Connect is supported by members of our community engagement and information services team and allows anyone to log on for free and ask a question of the community as well as being able to browse around and see what other people have been discussing.
Every month we will have a new focus topic to help you be more prepared for the NDIS whether you are already on a funding package, are waiting for rollout or have no idea where to start. 
Currently, our topics include planning, supports and getting to know each other. 
We encourage you to jump online and try out this amazing new tool. Be the first to contribute to what will become an amazing source of knowledge. Click here to check it out and participate!
Understanding the NDIS: will parents of newly diagnosed children with disability be left in the dark?Alison M Marchbank, The Conversation, 7 July 2016
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) emphasises a commitment to social justice that values a person’s right to choose and purchase the service they want to support their everyday living.

Can co-ops help deliver Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme? 
Rebecca Harvey, Co-operative News, 5 July 2016
One of the first accessible display homes for people with a disability will be built at Armstrong in Mount Duneed ...

Understanding the NDIS: a history of disability welfare from ‘deserving poor’ to consumers in control
Paul Ramcharan, The Conversation, 5 July 2016
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the only national scheme of its kind in the world. Its introduction has been likened to a generational shift with some saying the scheme’s impact will be similar to that of Medicare ...

NDIS stimulates small business with radical new approach
Bhakthi Puvanenthiran, Sydney Morning Herald, 23 June 2016
Just as the internet has forever changed shopping, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has swept into the disability service industry and almost everyone is starting from scratch, giving start-ups and small businesses a hand up ...

Disability funding reform 'disappoints' ethnic communities
Stefan Armbruster, SBS News, 27 June 2016
A radical $22 billion reform of disability services across Australia has largely failed to engage people from non-English speaking backgrounds ...

Holding on to the heart of the NDIS: how the NSW planning process is shaping up
Libby Ellis, InCharge, 22 June 2016
... I have never felt that an NDIS will come as a fully-formed utopia that lands in our laps. Change doesn’t come from the top down. Any great change I have ever witnessed has happened from the grassroots, where people see a reform as an opening and an opportunity for them to grasp and shape as a way to better their own lives ...

A housing problem solved is a pleasure shared
Miki Perkins, The Age, 17 June 2016
... Despite wanting independence for their daughters, their families had little option but to keep them at home. But over the past three years their hometown of Geelong has been a trial site for a seismic shift in disability support: the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. For the first time, when they drew up their yearly support plan, the three women and their families were asked what "a good life" would look like ...

NDIS rollout in Sydney: not perfect but at least it's here
Rachel Browne, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 June 2016
... "The sooner the support is delivered, the much better the outcomes for the individual but also for society at large," (John della Bosca) said. "One of the strongest arguments in favour of the NDIS is the cost of doing nothing. If we were to continue with the old system there will be higher costs to the health system, the mental health system, juvenile justice and corrective services" ...

Raising Children Network - guide to NDIS

Permanent and significant disability and reasonable and necessary supports
NDIS, 13 June 2016 (video, 4m 38s)

Norman Hermont, ABC News, 12 June 2016
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) faces a huge shortfall in disability housing when it is fully rolled out in 2020 ...
John Gilroy, Croakey, 29 April 2016
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) presents a significant opportunity to revolutionise the quality of care and support to enable Indigenous people with disability to access the supports and services necessary to enable them to work towards full participation in their communities ... However, a lack of accountability from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), the authority managing the roll-out of the NDIS, in reporting on Indigenous peoples’ satisfaction of the NDIS will impede any developments in establishing a culturally responsive disability service system for Indigenous peoples ...

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