Friday 8 July 2016

'Understanding a Down Syndrome Diagnosis' now released as a web app

An excellent resource, in a new, accessible format, from a highly credible source:

From Lettercase, publishers of good quality information for new and expectant parents:
Since 2008, Understanding a Down Syndrome Diagnosis has been the most valuable resource for women receiving a prenatal diagnosis. Today we introduce this life-changing resource as a free web app, available at  
And continuing our goal to reach even further, to support even more parents, we have made the app available in eight languages: Chinese (Simplified), English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese. 
Please join us in making sure all expectant parents get the resources and support they need. Feel free to share the link to these life-changing resources via social medial, email and organization websites. #sharelettercase
Please consider taking up the invitation to share widely - if you have a son or daughter with Down syndrome of any age, you will be asked to help others find information and resources from time to time. If you use Facebook, you can 'share' the Lettercase post from today (it will be dated 7 July 2016) to save it on your own timeline where you might find it more easily. A number of 'share' options are provided in the bottom right corner of the web page.

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