Thursday 21 July 2016

Update on Trisome Games: artistic gymnasts and swimmers shine

Congratulations to the gynmnasts and swimmers doing so well at the Trisome Games in Florence this week.  Keep following their progress on  Facebook as they post fabulous photos and updates every day. Special Olympics Australia  posted on Facebook yesterday (20 July 2016):
Congratulations to the Trisome Games 2016 artistic gymnastics team who competed earlier this week in Florence, Italy. They brought home 2 gold, 3 silver and 5 bronze medals!  
The athletes competing are: Chris Bunton, Olivia Sadler, Ashley Kuhle, Beth Hull, Emile Koen and Nicholas Zrnic.   
Down Swimming Australia - Italy 2016 World Championships posted last night, with photos:
20th July: 6 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
Thursday 21st July is the final day of competition, and includes rhythmic gymnastics.

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