Friday 29 July 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 30 - 31 July 2016

Actors with Down Syndrome take spotlight at Chicago Shakespeare Theater
Vikki Ortiz Healy, Chicago Tribune, 27 May 2016
Even their parents had serious doubts: How could a group of theater students with Down syndrome perform a play by Shakespeare — with its conflicted characters, surprising plot twists and quick-paced soliloquies?

When You Are the Father of a Child With a Disability, Stereotypes of Manliness Disappear
Mel Beck, The Good Men Project, 24 July 2016
Behold! Fatherhood. Manliness optimized. This is your golden moment as the dominating species and you have everything—a wonderful wife, a great job, a beautiful home, and now, children. You are right on track for a cup runneth over with fulfillment. Soon to come are baby’s first steps, the first day of kindergarten, sporting achievements, first dates, graduations, college, weddings, grandchildren, and more. You are The Man and you are providing for your family. Life could not get better ...

8 ways to include kids with special needs in programs, events, classes, camps, wherever
Love That Max, 16 July 2014
As parents of kids with special needs, we want our kids to enjoy the same activities that other kids do—but in reality, it doesn't always happen. My son has been turned away from programs and recreational activities, as have the children of many distressed parents I hear from. So I asked the CEO of Kids Included Together (KIT) Torrie Dunlap, to share a practical list with how-tos. This nonprofit teaches inclusive models to YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, city recreation programs and preschools, among others. Serving more than 20,000 people a year, KIT has worked in 45 states and 10 countries. Clearly, they know what they are doing ...

What will you do when he grows up?
Mardra Sikora, Listen to Your Mother, 14 July 2016
Mardra tells the story of raising her son with Down Syndrome and how she learned to answer the question, "What will you do when he grows up?"

Focus on Ability Short Film Festival - online viewing and voting
You could make it a movie weekend, with the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival - 194 entries from 18 countries are now up on the website for viewing and online voting. We haven't had time to look at all of them yet (!)  and they are all worth watching, but we have seen these two that feature people with Down syndrome:
Dance is Life (John Rado)
I am (Studio ARTES Northside Inc)
If you wish to follow up on the responses of people with disabilities to the attack in Japan on 26 July, a list of links is at the end of this compilation of tweets from activist Alice Wong:

Ableism, Violence and Sagamihara
Alice Wong, Disability Visibility Project, 27 July 2016
... If you are non-disabled and unfamiliar with #ableism, what happened in #Sagamihara is a clear-cut example of as you’ll ever get ...

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