Wednesday 17 August 2016

Gerard O'Dwyer in 'Off the Record': starts tonight, Carriageworks

Force Majeure's Danielle Micich goes Off the Record
Nick Galvin, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 August 2016
The usual process for producing any stage performance is first to consider the nature of the work then set about casting the roles.

But that is just one of the conventions Off the Record, a new collaboration between Force Majeure and Dance Integrated Australia, seeks to challenge.

"We've worked in reverse," says co-director Danielle Micich​. "It was like, 'Let's see who's out there and make the work about them' ...

10 Minutes with Gerard from OFF THE RECORD
Majeure News, August 2, 2016
... I love performing solo pieces. I love dance or basically anything with movement ...

RUCKUS posted on Facebook, 5 August 2016:
RUCKUS member Gerard O'Dwyer is having a bumper of a year! He's been in a feature horror film, flown to Cambodia for an international creative exchange and starred in a major theatre production. Now he's in 'Off the Record' by dance company Force Majeure.

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