Tuesday 9 August 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (52)

NDIS and Me
People with Down syndrome and/or their families and carers can join the closed Facebook Group, NDIS and Me, for discussion specifically about the NDIS and people with Down syndrome.

New NDIS portal launched -  and problems are experienced
In response to difficulties experienced with the re-launch of the NDIS portal (access to the website for payments and information), reassurances have been issued from the NDIA (the body responsible for implementing the NDIS), and a Government review of the functioning of the new portal has been announced:
  • Govt To Review NDIS IT SystemPro Bono News Australia, 6 August 2016 - Minister for Social Services and Disability Services Christian Porter has announced a review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s IT system after claims the system has been a “debacle”.
Sabotaging the NDIS
Christina Ryan, Advocacy for Inclusion Blog, 30 June 2016
Until recently Australia Post held the trophy for the most outstanding example of corporate self-sabotage in Australia when it increased its costs while reducing its postal service outcomes. Australians have been turning away in droves, a not surprising response to such a business model.
Now, however, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has made a play for the outstanding self-sabotage trophy by making access to the Scheme so unwieldy that recipients are unable to use it. Particularly those who want to self-manage their NDIS package so that it can be more flexible in meeting their needs ...

When the NDIS becomes a lifeline 
George Taleporos, The Drum, ABC, 3 August 2016
I support the right to assisted dying, but I also worry that people will look at me with my crooked and paralysed body and make that decision for me. The support provided by the NDIS ensures people like me also have the right to live ...

Access NDIS
Heike Fabig, Every Australian Counts, 9 August 2016
... Today the call came, and my children are officially participants in the NDIS, and so it begins. The scheme will need refining and tweaking, but I am optimistic the NDIS will deliver on its promises and cater for my children’s needs, and support their increased inclusion into society.

But now, the rest of the country needs to “get with the program”. Because while we are ready for the NDIS, I don’t think Australia is ready for us. Australian society remains fundamentally inaccessible to my kids ...

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