Tuesday 20 September 2016

News and commentary from the broader disability community

Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect, 14 September 2016
... I think language both reflects change and initiates change. I think the recognition of the work we do as providing support directly to a person in a professional manner is part of the larger solution of transforming the disability sector. I think that same recognition can transform individual staff who work in difficult situations as it reminds them what they are there doing and that, no matter what, they are professionals doing a job, a sometimes very difficult job. We are what we call ourselves ...

Rape Culture and Disability - what we’ve learned from Brock Turner, Nicholas Fifield, and the erasure of victims with disabilities
David Perry, Pacific Standard, 8 September 2016
... the victim ... is disabled. So, even as the reporting humanizes Fifield by presenting a nuanced (sometimes generous) picture of the star athlete gone wrong, Doe (the victim) has been dehumanized, reduced to a collection of diagnoses, and cast into a system primed to remove sexual autonomy from people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) ...

How the Sitcom ‘Speechless’ Understands Families Like Mine
Neil Genzlinger, New York Times, 9 September 2016
If you live in a household like mine — one with a nonverbal child — you’re anticipating one television show above all others this fall: “Speechless,” ... A prime-time series on a major network about “us”? It’s occasion for excitement, and for reflection. What, exactly, do we who live in the “Speechless” universe hope this series will accomplish?

Rachel Adams, The Conversation, 30 August 2016
My research helps me to see continuities between the tragedy in Japan and the practice of institutionalization which started in the U.S. and Europe, and remained the primary way for managing people with disabilities for over a century. Regrettably, that practice still continues in many parts of the world.

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