Monday 5 September 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (55)

NDIS MyPlace Portal Implementation Review - Final Report
  • Links to read the report online/download the report - click on headline
On 1 July 2016, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) launched the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) ICT system for transition to full scheme. The MyPlace Portal is part of the broader ICT and is designed as the main interface between participants and providers and the NDIA. Early implementation of the Portal encountered issues affecting the capacity for providers and self-managed participants to claim for payment. The report from PricewaterhouseCoopers reviews the implementation of the NDIS MyPlace Portal and provides recommendations to Government to address these issues.

Recommendations (extracted from the (Executive Summary):

Considering the need to transition in another approximately 400,000 users to the Scheme over the next three years, PwC makes six recommendations to address the identified issues being faced by the NDIS MyPlace Portal Implementation. The recommendations are: 
R1. Implement and embed the Service Delivery Operating Model
R2. Enhance program management fundamentals including inter and intra-agency governance and an integrated program plan
R3. Monitor payments and service recovery against agreed performance metrics
R4. Review the resourcing model for Full Scheme Transition
R5. Undertake a comprehensive Stakeholder and Change Impact Assessment
R6. Tailor and measure the Change Management approach.


NDIS Portal Verdict: Good IT system, bad change management
Roland Naufal, Disability Services Consulting, 3 September 2016
The review Christian Porter set up into the NDIS Portal is in. And it is not good news for the NDIA.

The review found that the NDIA was provided with an IT system that met all its requirements. But NDIA did not think through all the work needed to introduce the new IT system.

Having the right IT product is not enough, the right product only works if people know how to use it and it has good quality data within it ...

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