Thursday 1 September 2016

NSW inquiry into the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs

Students with disability or special needs in New South Wales schools

This inquiry was established on 24 August 2016 to inquire into and report on the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs in government and non-government schools in New South Wales.

Terms of reference:

That General Purpose Standing Committee No. 3 inquire into and report on the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs in government and non-government schools in New South Wales, and in particular:
(a) equitable access to resources for students with a disability or special needs in regional and metropolitan areas

(b) the impact of the Government’s ‘Every Student Every School’ policy on the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs in New South Wales public schools

(c) developments since the 2010 Upper House inquiry into the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs and the implementation of its recommendations

(d) complaint and review mechanisms within the school systems in New South Wales for parents and carers, and

(e) any other related matters.
Please note that the committee will commence its inquiry and begin accepting submissions in due course. No dates for hearings or closure of submission have been published yet.

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