Friday 9 September 2016

People with Down syndrome

Caroline Brunner: pioneering Canberra public servant with Down syndrome retires
Natasha Rudra, Canberra Times, 26 August 2016
For nearly 25 years, Caroline Brunner has lit up the offices of Housing ACT in Belconnen, bringing the mail with a smile and a kind word, and putting together housing application kits - an estimated 250,000 of them in her long career. The Canberra public servant retired on Friday with a big party and a bit of media attention ...

Loretta Neiter, Possibly Oldest-Living Person In U.S. With Down Syndrome, Has Demonstrated Good Work Ethic But Also Makes Time To Enjoy Herself
Nancy Ortega, St Genevieve Herald, 30 August 2016
Treasures come in all shapes and sizes. We have a pint-sized treasure living in Ste. Genevieve on Pointe Basse Drive. Her name is Loretta Neiter. She appears to be the oldest-living person with Down Syndrome in the United States.

Family and staff at Ste. Genevieve Group Homes researched it online. From what they can ascertain, Loretta is several months older than the person recorded as being the oldest ...

Unique program opens doors for people with intellectual disabilities
Centre for Disability Studies, 6 September 2016
Young people with intellectual disabilities will be embedded as paid interns in two leading Australian organisations, including the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), as part of an innovative new program at the University of Sydney ...

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