Thursday 27 October 2016

Health matters

Improving Mental Health in Children with Autism and Intellectual DisabilityBelinda Ratcliffe (guest blogger), NSW Council on Intellectual Disability, 26 October 2016
Did you know about 70% of children with Autism have mental health issues like depression, anxiety or challenging behaviour?

Positive Cardiometabolic Health for People With Intellectual Disability resources
3DN at the University of NSW has developed a set of  resources and tools on Cardiometabolic Health for People with Intellectual Disabilities,  including postcards to take to your doctor.

Cardiometabolic health of people with intellectual disability differs from members of the general population. The resources aim to inform medical practitioners, those who work with or care for people with intellectual disability, people with intellectual disability, and prescribers of psychotropic medication on the affects on specific health conditions of people with intellectual disability.
  • Click here to download resources on a range of topics related to cardiometabolic health.
What a patient with a learning disability would like you to know
Emily Smith, British Medical Journal 2016; 355: i5296, 5 October 2016
Emily Smith has Down’s syndrome and is an Expert by Experience at the University of Nottingham. After a visit to an emergency department (A and E), she was referred to her general practitioner. Here she contrasts the interactions she had with the different healthcare professionals ...

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