Monday 10 October 2016

People with Down syndrome

Meet the Guatemalan Designer With Down Syndrome Who’s Taking The Fashion World By Storm
Ana Delfillo, Hello Giggles, 28 September 2016
Meet Isabella Springmühl, a Guatemalan goddess with Down Syndrome taking the fashion world by storm. Since the young fashionista started designing clothes for her dolls at 6 years old, Isabella wanted to be a fashion designer. Following in her grandmother’s footsteps, Isabella applied to study fashion design in her native Guatemala but was rejected because the schools viewed Down Syndrome as a liability.
“I graduated from High School two years ago and decided to go to University to study fashion design. It was denied to me due to my condition” ...

Pair takes on Outward Bound
Cloe Willets, New Zealand Herald, 21 September 2016
Two men enrolled with Paraparaumu's Idea Services division are set to engage in what is hoped to be a life changing physical activity course next month.

The Outward Bound Horizons course, which is designed specifically for people with intellectual disabilities, will see Paraparaumu Beach's David Ledingham and Robert Coley of Levin spend seven days alongside 10 other attendees from all across New Zealand ...

Boy Scout with Down syndrome fights hunger
Matt Flowers, Courier Post, 24 September 2016
When 18-year-old Audubon High School senior Michael Arechavala set out on a mission to fight hunger this past summer, he didn't expect such an overwhelming response.

Arechavala, a three-sport athlete and Boy Scout with Down syndrome, hoped to collect 500 items for the Logan Memorial Presbyterian Church’s food pantry. But when word got out about his food drive, the community helped him knock his goal out of the park ...

Ryan Partridge - College Life
Liz Plachta, Ruby's Rainbow, 13 September 2016
My name is Ryan Partridge and I am 20 years old. I go to school at Barnabas Prep in Branson, MO. I love my college. I loaded up my parents car and moved in to my dorm room ... This year I will learn more job skills. I am excited to live on my own and work a job that I love.

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