Thursday 20 October 2016


lo, Cittadino!
Italian video shared on Facebook, by Down Syndrome Australia, on 9 October 2016.
“Because we want to give our best to build a better tomorrow...AND YOU?"
Spot of the Project "Io, Cittadino!", to promote the rights to participation, active citizenship and self-advocay of people with #intellectualdisabilities.
Plena inclusión Mencap Inclusion Europe People First Fenacerci - Federação Nacional de Cooperativas de Solidariedade Social
Share the video to give voice to people with disabilities! #iocittadino#disabilities #selfadvocacy

Significant development for disabled New Zealanders
Scoop, 5 October 2016
The Human Rights Commission says the rights of New Zealanders with disabilities will be strengthened this month with New Zealand’s accession to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ...

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities (theme: disability-inclusive policies)

United Nations, 5 October 2016
The Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights - OHCHR - has just made available the Special Rapporteur, Catalina Devandas's latest thematic report, focused on Disability-inclusive policies. The report is available in English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian and Chinese. 
"In this report, the Special Rapporteur provides guidance for policymakers to ensure that all policies and strategic frameworks, from the design and planning to the implementation and monitoring are fully inclusive of persons with disabilities. Disability-inclusive development strategies not only improve the situation of persons with disabilities, but also contribute substantially to the development of society as a whole."

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