Thursday 13 October 2016

Two opportunities to have a say

Disability Discrimination Commissioner National Consultations 2016-2017:

"Shaping our future: discussions on disability rights"

Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Alastair McEwin will be conducting a national consultation which will help guide the development of his priorities and seek input from the disability community on how he can most effectively work to advance the rights of people with a disability. These consultations aim to engage with the disability community and gather information and knowledge on the extent and nature of disability discrimination and the human rights of people with disability in Australia.
  • Further information, video, and links to discussion papers and hearing dates and venues are on the Australian Human Rights Cmmission website, here. Consultations begin 21 October, in Adelaide.
  • Consultations will be held in each capital city and some regional centres between October 2016 - March 2017. Further consultation details will be held will be updated on this page and via the Commissioner's Facebook page.

Feedback on voting at Federal election is invited
People with Disability Australia posted on Facebook on 10 October 2016:
Did you vote at the recent federal election? Could you not vote? We want to hear from you either way. 
The Australian Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is conducting an inquiry into the recent federal election. 
We would like to provide them with feedback on your experience. Please share with your networks. 
If you could fill out this survey then we can have a better idea of what worked and what didn't, we will let the government know what they need to improve and what they should continue to do.
The survey will be open for 2 weeks until Monday 24 October.

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