Friday 28 October 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 29 - 30 October 2016

David Perry, Washington Post, 21 October 2016
“Awesome! Wow!”  It’s 6:45 a.m. on a Tuesday as these words float across the dining room table. My daughter has already finished eating, but my son, Nico, is happily listening to music while consuming an enormous bowl of Cheerios. As usual, he’s set the iPad to “Hamilton.”

My son is what professionals call “functionally nonverbal.” He can talk. He does so all the time. But you, and to some extent I, cannot consistently understand him. He has Down syndrome, and like many people with the genetic condition, his language development is generally delayed. More specifically, though, Nico also has apraxia ...

How I Got a ‘B’ in Homeschooling
Kari Wagner-Peck, A Typical Son, 26 October 2016
To be completely honest I gave myself the B. That said, we don’t actually use grades here.

Thorin and I started our 3rd year of homeschooling/unschooling* on September 3rd. Of course we learn all year long but given classes outside of the home and my schedule we do follow a more structured schedule between September and May.

I have learned eight essentials for me to be an averagely successful unschooler ...

When People Give Me ‘the Look’ After I Tell Them My Daughter Has Down Syndrome
Pepper Caruso, The Mighty, 12 October 2016
There it was again — that look. I’m sure most parents of children with special needs know “the look.” It’s the expression that conveys pity. The tight lips and furrowed brow clearly say, “You poor thing. I’m so sorry you’ve been saddled with this burden.”

... Now, 30 years later, the national consciousness regarding people with special needs has been raised and Americans are more aware. Yet, mentioning my daughter’s Down syndrome to someone new is still occasionally met with the look. I meet people regularly during my work as a background actor, and inevitably, we have down time during which we sit and wait and chat. I’ve noticed if the subject turns to our children, I’m mentioning my oldest less and less ...

A Boy, His Mom and The Truth
Dae Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect, 7 October 2016
... He pointed at me, he knew I saw him, he didn't care, he was angry at his mom. "You were staring at him. You were. You were STARING." ...

NSW Council on Intellectual Disability e-News, October 2016
  • CID Annual General Meeting
  • Going to hospital; share your experience for research
  • Guest blog article
  • NSW CID conference video
  • Reasonable adjustment for university
  • Positive Cardiometabolic Health
  • NSW Disability Innovation Awards
  • Mental health and intellectual disability
  • Get More Skills: Hands On
  • Research
  • Events and professional development
  • Resources

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