Thursday 17 November 2016

Employment matters

What people with intellectual disability think about work - research report
Rosemary Kayess et al, Social Policy Research Centre (UNSW), 2016
The Social Policy Research Centre was commissioned to examine the experiences people with intellectual disability have with different employment models. The study commenced in July 2015 and finished in 2016. Data was collected from 51 people with intellectual disability working in open employment, Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) and social enterprises. The reports highlight their experiences of choosing, finding, maintaining and changing employment, their likes and dislikes about their jobs and outcomes they achieve from working.
  • Three publications from a UNSW research study, including an easy-read report
Robert Vurtue, 1233 ABC Newcastle, 15 November 2016
A non-profit cafe in Newcastle is expanding its services after high demand from people with a disability wanting to learn hospitality skills ...

Australia going backwards on disability employment
Maurice Corcoran, RN Breakfast, ABC Radio National, 8 November 2016
A disability advocate is calling for a greater focus on employment for people with disability, warning Australia has gone backwards in the past 15 years.

South Australia's Principal Community Visitor Maurice Corcoran has been recognised with a national award for three decades of work improving the lives of people with disability.

He's urging the federal government to do more to empower people through employment.

  • Audio file 9m 20s

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