Wednesday 9 November 2016

News and commentary on the NDIS (58)

The official NDIS website provides access to documents, and up to date information about how the NDIS works, and NDIS events such as local workshops and webinars.

NDIS and Me
People with Down syndrome and/or their families and carers can join the closed Facebook Group, NDIS and Me, for discussion specifically about the NDIS and people with Down syndrome.

Disability Loop - a way to find out more about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Through Disability Loop you can:
  • Find a great selection of resources relating to the NDIS
  • Find out how the NDIS is working for other people
  • Have your say about the NDIS
  • Keep up to date with news and events about the NDIS
Disability Loop is a project funded by the NDIS. It is run by, and for, people with disability and their allies.

NDIS Champions: emerging grassroots leaders
Disability Loop, October 2016
Would your business, organisation or community group benefit from a free information session on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), delivered by a person with disability in your local area?

Do you want to know more about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? Do you want to understand what it will mean for people with disability?

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) has recently employed and trained 30 people with disabilities from all over Australia to become NDIS Champions - to deliver reliable, fact-checked information about the NDIS in their local communities ...

NSW: How Siobahn Daley became the public face of the NDIS
Rachel Brown, The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 November 2016
Siobahn Daley knows first-hand how the National Disability Insurance Scheme can change lives but new research shows she's much better informed than most.

Creating Capacity: Support for Adult Siblings Project
Siblings Australia, October 2016
Siblings usually have the longest relationship of any with a person living with disability. Support for siblings is important for their own wellbeing and for the benefits that a strong sibling relationship has for the person with disability. Siblings Australia has been funded by the DSS Sector Development Fund to develop more supports for adult siblings of people with disability. The aim of the project is to build the capacity of siblings to understand the role of the NDIS and support their brother or sister’s transition to the NDIS ...

CripCroakey NDIS Part 1: Scandals, blunders and how change will only come when disability rights are front and centre
El Gibbs, Croakey, 4 November 2016
... disability is not something that happens to some other people, but something that is part of normal, ordinary life. It is often said in disability circles that people are just temporarily able bodied – the idea that a ‘normal’ body is not a disabled body is a fantasy.

"The NDIS was not to be a system that works for those disabled people “over there” – it is intended to become part of our essential social infrastructure, available to all Australians, which will ensure that having a disability will no longer mean poverty or a denial of basic human rights" ...

"It's like a five-year-old wrote it": disability advocates slam NDIS care plansMiki Perkins, The Age, 29 October 2016
Disability advocates – who all emphasised their strong support for the NDIS – said the agency managing the scheme was under enormous pressure to sign up participants in an unrealistic timeframe, and with inadequate federal funding ...

Greater Expectations and the NDIS
Sally Coddington Disability Services Consulting, 17 October 2016
When I read that the idea of people with disability being supported to live an ordinary life is central to the work of the NDIS I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness at the mediocrity of it. I see it as a perpetuation of the “soft bigotry of low expectations”. I read recently “low expectations are one of the most subtle yet devastatingly effective forms of sabotage we can do to others and ourselves. Low expectations often masquerade as kindness yet they are the cruelest cuts because they deny an individual their opportunity for greatness.” Did we fight all these years for individualized funding and self-direction so that people with a disability could aspire to an ordinary life? Or did we hope that NDIS might provide the safety net of ordinariness so that people could aspire to greatness?

Yes we want to hire workers more easily. But let’s also talk safeguards and support
Ellen Fraser-Barbour, InCharge, 26 October 2016
... I have been wondering, however, about how these new types of self management models safeguard. Yes they, alongside all service providers, have policies in place to ensure safety, security and support for individuals, families and workers and these policies are vitally important but I can think of many examples where traditional large agencies are up to the hilt in policy but do necessarily invest in developing an active organisational culture or practice that truly embraces a human rights approach at base level. Policies are there, but putting this into practice seems to be easier said, than done. This has been highlighted in recent inquiries into abuse in disability services ...

NDIA Annual Report 2015 - 16
The NDIA Annual Reports outline what the agency has accomplished during the year. The reports show how we managed our resources to improve the lives of people living with disability.

The NDIA 2015-16 Annual Report was tabled on 28 October 2016. You can download an accessible version here. An online (HTML) version, Plain English and Easy English versions will be available soon.

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